Senior Army Instructor Major Thomas

Army Instructor Master Sergeant Harp
Master Sergeant Harp, is an amazing instructor we are extremely happy to finally have a woman, that we can refer to. She is not only a great teacher, but a great role model as well. She is the instructor in charge of the girls Color Guard Girls Drill, Fancy Drill Team, and P.T.

Army Instructor Sergeant First Class Breedlove
Sergeant First Class Breedlove, is one of a kind instructor. He is one of those teachers that you will never forget about, because he gave you such a hard time in class; but he was only like that because he wants you to succeed in life. He is the instructor in charge of the Marksmanship Team and the detail team. He motivates our hard-headed cadets to always strive for their best. He is one of the few people along side MAJ Thomas and MSG Harp, that you can go talk to about anything on your mind, when your down and hanging on your last hope. He has also been a great addition to this great battalion. We know things would not be the same if he were not here.